Saturday, February 19, 2011

Signs of the Times pt. 3- The Art Of Not Being Seen

Another thing I've learned from working at the 'Bucks is this: people say far more about their character and personalities in "customer service" situations than they ever realize. I used to hear the phrase that "character is who you are when no one is watching." Starbucks, McDonalds, the gas station: these places show me that character can just as easily be about who you are when you're oblivious to those watching. The nature of these interactions seems unremarkable. We have a few customers who visit with us and let us get to know them. We've tracked Elsie's cancer treatments- she's appears to in remission, and we get plenty of motherly love from Molly, as well as some beautiful pictures of premature triplets whose grandparents come in all the time. For most people, however, it's a speed game... get in, get their coffee; get out. Because it's kind of impersonal, people tend to be unguarded because they're focused on the next thing coming in their day. So, you see what's really going on in their minds for anywhere from 30 seconds to 3 minutes. That's not much, but over weeks and months of seeing the same person, patterns begin to show up. And casual observers get a front row seat because people aren't really paying attention. If you are petty, angry, kind, patient, caring or dismissive of others, it shows.

As a result, I'm much more aware of 2 important truths for myself: 1. very few people are wholly unmemorable... you leave impressions on almost everyone, and you're a fool not to do that with intentionality. 2. We can have a tendency to minimize the people who serve us, because they don't seriously factor into our lives. I think I'm generally friendly and personable to service personnel, but I'm learning a lot more that it's easy to be nice without actually seeing someone as a person.... embarrassing considering what I believe about God and how He treats us. With all His power and authority, we are not robots or toys to Him. We are loved, treasured, and lavished with grace. Time to start getting to know the guys at the gas station for starters....

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