Thursday, May 13, 2010

Old Endings and New Beginnings

I guess I'm still coming to terms with impending graduation. It's strange to realize that being a student has been on of the most dominant traits of my life. The only thing I've been for longer than my 28 years of study is single. And I guess that in itself is a comfort, since being married has turned out so beautifully. Still, it's a big chapter closing. I'll still be given to reading and personal study, but it's hard to imagine returning to formal schooling. I'm not a true academic to go for a phd. and a D. Min. seems like it would be largely vanity, since personal study and discipleship with Godly men can accomplish the same ends.

In some small way, I grieve for the loss of these days that have been so wonderful. But I wouldn't continue even if I could. I'm far too eager to be about the business I believe God designed me to do. There's the rub. God has a funny way of systematically stripping us of the needless things which we hold dear, thrusting us into uncertainty that we may find Him sufficient. We've gone through so much of that financially that it's almost commonplace now, and you begin to feel you truly know how to trust God. Then He brings a new wave of change, a different aspect of that same dependence, a new chance to respond in faith.

That's the great comfort and joy. he knows the end from the beginning. He has seen all of it, and there are no surprises to Him. The process of revelation and growth may seem achingly slow, but the end is sure. He knows me and I will know Him. This is the dawn of a new chapter of His grace. So, I'm sad to say goodbye to His past kindness, but I'm excited to see His coming ones.

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