Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Jobs and Families and Classes! Oh My!

There is probably a bunch I could/should be a very huge blog post, but I promise, I will try to keep it short! Bullet points are probably the best way to do that......

  • My Job.... Praise the Lord and hallelujah, I was blessed with a decent paying job at a small school that I've worked for in the past. Though I'm the lead teacher int he 2 year old class, and children these young aren't my forte, I'm so glad that God has provided for our needs. I'm having a tough time in the classroom, and I worry how this will affect my resume, but I'm going to work my hardest anyway.
  • Jon's Classes....Classes for Jon have started up. This fall he's taking Greek 2 and Hebrew 3 (not easy to take at the same time). He'll also be wrapping up a Hebrews-Revalation class that he began online over the summer.
  • Families.... My family has just been hit hard as Grandma's been diagnosed with cancer. She's been living with my parents for the last couple years, so she is surrounded by love ones. The cancer is not supposed to be very aggressive, but it's affected her energy in very noticable ways. Her first Chemo is this Wednesday and I know the whole family is taking it hard. We'd appreciate prayer.
  • Our new place.....We love our new house! Having so much space feels luxurious! Sure we can't wash our hands without getting scalded, I bang my knee on the tub every time, and I still haven't figured out where the big family of cockroaches lives....but we really do feel like grown ups with real lives.
  • Jon is still searching for a second part time job to help the bills out a bit. If you hear about anything, let us know.
  • We have several friends who desperately need jobs. It's easy for me to understand their frustration and hurt in the job market, as I was there only three weeks ago. What is so infuriating is that these friends have bachelors and masters degrees, they are hard workers, and they're willing to do almost anything that pays the minimum. We can't understand why it's so difficult to get a job, much less an interview, much less a rejection letter! Pray for others in these situations.
That's all that I will include tonight. Soon we'll get back to posting about the in's and out's of married life, but we wanted to make sure everyone knew what was going on.

With Love!
Jon and Telly (not to be confused with Jelly)

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