Saturday, May 16, 2009


This blog is less about being married, and more about personal anxiousness.

As a recent Winthrop graduate, a married person of nearly 5 months, and an adult in general, I'm finding it hard to be content this summer. I think what I'm going through is the pregnancy symptom called nesting (though I assure you no stork is headed our way). I'm ready to be out of our small apartment, away from the two short shower, the too small sink, the too many steps up, the too many knocks on the door, the too few places to put our rapidly growing pieces of life. I'm anxious to be in our own place where I could plant or paint and not be the RA.

I think this bout of anxiousness is compounded by several things. First of all, as mentioned above, I've gone through several recent changes (graduation, marriage) that usually signal the beginning of new place to live and way of living, yet not much has changed. Secondly, I've seen so many friends recently who are moving on. I have a couple beautiful friends who are getting married and moving into their own place, bought or rented. I'm extremely happy and excited for them, and dare I say jealous to be moving on in the same way.

I know that God is working his perfect plan for us. All of this will come when One or both of us has a good job, when God knows we're ready, and when we're patient enough to have all these things through the proper means (not buying a house with no credit, or moving somewhere before jobs are secured).

I guess to tie in the married aspect, I would say that Jon is being very gentile in reminding me to be patient, reminding me to trust God, and understanding my impatience. He is an amazing blessing of a husband for all the patience he displays, complimenting my lack thereof. I'd appreciate prayers in this area, like I said, I'm struggling to be content and wait for God's timing.

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